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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

C o n t e n d e d M e e

Helloooooo! My thoughts dump. It’s 8:38am. Am back from the run, took bath and had 3 garama garam “Chapathi’s” with “Sabzi”. As usual couldn’t make it to the 3km mark. Huff.. Did somewhere between 2.5 – 3 km I suppose. Anyways, am happy today the way things went at work yesterday through today. I had this huge 11 + 1 slides presentation to be done by EOD – End of my Day at work. So, finished it at the nick of time. I would have to present it to couple of my team members and explain why anyone would want to give their best towards anything they do in life. Wish me luck. Hahaha… that’s ok can manage without any, as this must be my 1000000000000001st presentation in front of a crowd I suppose. Hahaha…

Hey, people who would have observed my previous Blog and my present one. (I.e. this one dumbooooo.) There is a lot of change with words na. Yea, I know. The last Blog was just random sentences with random thoughts. I have been more cautious the way I write nowadays (i.e. Punctuation, Grammar a little ok, etc.). It’s self conscious about things we do in life, and of course need to do things the right way or don’t even waste your energy thinking about doing them. Express you self, express it the right way.

Yesterday, I had a huge talk with my close pal Harsha who is settled in Australia. Boy O boy was I happy to know he was happy with the way life’s been with him since he moved to Australia. Yes, I was. The good part is my boy is getting married to his long time girlfriend this Feb 2006. WOW, I feel happy for them, I know both of them very well and it makes me feel great thinking about them. I miss him really. Now, harsh u freak don’t bloody be on cloud nine knowing this. Ass, get down on your feet now. Hahaha…I really miss you maga. (“Maga” local language = Dude).

So, life is taking its sweet turn with people around me. I don’t know when my life would take its turn the right way. Am still searching and still counting on my stars, someday when am like old as in O L D. I wish to be contended with the way life’s taken me to that stage. Holy shit am getting into this philosophical psyching shit again…ooohahahaha... :-) .eeekkkkksssss….
Now, it’s time to get on with my homework, the Dictionary stuff you know. Have stopped at page 35 with the word “At-tune” – to cause to become used to or ready for. E.g. People are not really attuned to my way of thinking. After this I would sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppp, am so tired, but got to do what we got to do in life. Will see you later by afternoon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss u lots too Chinnu....but this Blog thingy is helping me to connect with u in knowing ur daily routine, to know that u are safe and also that u r keeping urself busy other than thinking about girls....just kidding mate...Love the way you are my man...take care.

1:11 am  

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